Back by popular demand... the S-R BASKETBall tournament IS Friday 2-6PM WITH a DJ set by OSSX

Tournament sign-up will be on the court at 1PM, first 16 teams to sign up will play.
Knockout is at halftime (around 4PM), no signup required.

1st Prize for the Tournament + Knockout winners is gourmet pizza delivery that night by Forage, a round of drinks, and free entry to Nowadays for all of October.

Tournament Rules
- Teams must be co-ed and have 4 players. 
- Games are 10 minutes, or first to 8, whichever comes first.
- In the event of a tie, next basket wins. 
- Call your own fouls.
- After a made basket, the other team receives possession (no make-it-take-it)
- Take backs on everything, to the 3 point line.

Knockout Rules
- No teams, 1 person as player (no sign-up needed).
- First shot will be at free throw line.
- No knocking opponent's ball intentionally.

Check in on the court with Commissioner Andrew Devlin at 1PM Friday.